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Come in for your FREE wellness program

At The House of Wellness Centres we are committed to your health. We have developed four programs that focus on the major health concerns faced by Australian’s today. Whether you want to focus on achieving a healthy weight, decreasing stroke, heart attack and diabetes risk or help in quitting smoking, we have the program for you. Let our highly trained Wellness Warriors work out your individual risk factors and guide you to health with a holistic approach. Walk out with your free personalised Wellness Plan detailing the steps you can take now to be healthier.

At The House of Wellness Centres we are committed to your health. We have developed four programs that focus on the major health concerns faced by Australian’s today. Whether you want to focus on achieving a healthy weight, decreasing stroke, heart attack and diabetes risk or help to quitting smoking, we have the program for you.

At The House of Wellness Centres, your journey to health can take many paths. In some stores we have highly trained naturopaths who can offer free personalised advice.

Book your appointment today!

Our programs have been developed by an Australian Registered General practitioner and are based on strong scientific evidence and best practice guidelines.

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